Everything You Think You Know...Is Wrong!
David S. Rose knows how the world is changing, and what YOU need to know to keep up with it. As one of the country’s most active early-stage investors, he understands how the latest technology is up-ending every facet of every business. In this special keynote session, the expert who has consulted to everyone from startups to Fortune 500 companies will walk participants through the latest developments and technologies that are redefining business in the 21st century. Based on his renowned work at Singularity University, this mind-expanding keynote is a crash-course in the future, covering topics including the Long Tail, Web 2.0, Globalization, and why hyper-accelerating technology is driving the cost of everything to free.
Executive Presentation Workshop
In the 21st century, the traditional outlined, bullet-point talk is no longer an acceptable corporate tool. Reviled and lampooned as “death by PowerPoint”, it has been replaced by skillfully prepared, graphical presentations designed to close a deal or complete a sale. In this special coaching session, the expert who has trained everyone from pure startups to Fortune 500 companies will walk attendees through exactly how to prepare and deliver a presentation that will get to “yes.” In his unique, dynamic style, David S. Rose will bring to your audience the same state-of-the-art approach seen by tens of thousands of people through his presentations at the TED conferences and other high profile events. He will teach them his 'Pitch Perfect’ techniques for using PowerPoint & other presentation applications; the top ten mistakes made by 90% of all presenters; and the top ten secrets of professional speakers.
No More Companies, No More Jobs...On the Way to a World Without Work
Optimistic futurists such as Ray Kurzweil claim that new technologies will create new jobs in an ever-growing virtuous circle. Pessimists such as the late Kurt Vonnegut project a dystopian future of pandemic unemployment. David S. Rose will unveil a third vision, as developed during his work as Track Chair for Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Economics at Singularity University: that technological development is moving us to a 'post sufficiency' economy, with neither 'jobs' nor a need for them. He will lead an entertaining, eye-opening and thought-provoking discussion tracing the growth of companies, and projecting their future disappearance. Your audience will come away with a completely new perspective on the future and what their role in it will be.
What is The Singularity...and Why Should I Care?
The world’s leading experts in artificial intelligence and robotics predict that within our lifetimes computers will exceed human intelligence and will begin designing new systems that are even smarter than they are. This Technological Singularity will usher in an era of exponentially explosive advancement beyond our capability to imagine. As the Founding Track Chair for Finance & Entrepreneurship at Singularity University, the post-graduate program founded by NASA and Google to train the next generation of global leaders, David S. Rose will introduce you to this brave new world in a riveting, interactive presentation about a future that is much closer than you realize.
The Essence of Entrepreneurship
Starting a new venture is simultaneously the most exhilarating and terrifying occupation on earth, and entrepreneurs are the passionate, driven, engines of the world’s economic development. In this inspirational, educational keynote, venture capitalist David S. Rose, described by BusinessWeek as a ‘world conquering entrepreneur’, will regale the audience with stories from the more than 85 companies he has founded or funded, discuss the reality of entrepreneurial life choices, and provide invaluable guidance to current entrepreneurs and those considering starting on their own. This presentation is ideal for business schools, entrepreneurship programs, and business leadership events.
How To Finance Your Startup
One of the most significant challenges entrepreneurs face is how to raise the funding needed to bring their vision to market. David S. Rose, who has both raised and invested millions of dollars of venture capital as one of the country’s leading startup investors, will demystify the options and provide a clear and actionable path to early stage financing. Starting with bootstrapping and ‘free money’ grants, and moving through angel investments, venture capital, and private equity, he will provide a comprehensive guide to everything the high-growth entrepreneur needs to fund a new venture. Among the topics he covers are the qualities that investors look for in entrepreneurs, different ways of structuring startup financing and his popular ‘Secret Economics of the Angels’ chalk-talk.
Introduction to Angel Investing
Angel investors, the high net worth individuals who put their own money into backing startup entrepreneurs, regularly see annualized returns of 20%, 30%, even 40%, on their early investments into companies such as Facebook, Google, Apple and Pinterest. In this program designed for high net worth audiences, Mr. Rose, one of America’s leading early stage angel investors, and the founder of Gust.com, the industry’s official platform connecting investors with startups, will reveal the secrets behind getting in on the ground floor in the next Big Thing. He will share stories of triumphs and disasters from the more than 85 high-tech startups in which he has personally invested, including companies that were purchased by Facebook, Google, Intel, CBS and Kodak for hundreds of millions of dollars. This program, ideal for affluent audiences, will guide participants through the world of professional angel investing, and introduce them to all the tools and sources they will need to select and make their initial investments.
Venture Capital Pitch Boot Camp
Mr. Rose, described by BusinessWeek as “The Pitch Coach” and by Forbes as “New York’s Archangel”, knows what it takes to get venture capitalists and angel investors to open up their checkbooks to fund a new venture. As the Founder of New York Angels, he hears more than 500 pitches a year, and routinely sees otherwise great companies turned away because their fundraising pitches completely missed their target. In this special coaching session for high- growth entrepreneurs, he will walk attendees through exactly how to prepare and deliver a presentation that will give their companies the best chance of being funded. In his unique dynamic style, he will teach the top ten rules for fundraising pitches; what your investors are really hearing...despite what you’re saying; how to structure your presentation to walk out with a check; and his 'Pitch Perfect’ techniques for using PowerPoint. David S. Rose’s classic TED talk on “How to Pitch a VC” has been viewed over 800,000 times and is mandatory viewing in business schools around the world. As an optional addition, Mr. Rose can do a live ‘make-over’ of a pre-submitted presentation from the audience, demonstrating the amazing difference his presentation techniques can make.
The Future of Financial Markets
In this keynote address for sophisticated business and financial audiences, David S. Rose will walk attendees step by step through his famous pronouncement that “any company designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st” He shows how today’s startup is tomorrow’s multi-billion dollar rock-star, and why alternative asset classes such as venture capital, angel investing and crowdfunding are revolutionizing the global financial markets. Based on his work as Associate Founder of Singularity University, the expert described by Forbes as “New York’s Archangel” will deliver a presentation guaranteed to leave the audience buzzing.
Special Engagements
David S. Rose is also available for other activities related to technology, finance, entrepreneurship or presentation skills, including judging business plan competitions, providing one-on-one coaching and corporate business consulting.
To arrange to have David speak to your group, please see more information here.